Who we are Ethics and values Ethics and values The ethical background of the community was to create a place of peaceful co-existence between Palestinian and Jewish Israelis of the three Abrahamic faiths. The peace projects, which were established from the earliest days, seek to challenge extremism through educational programmes and to de-radicalise negative elements in Israeli society through dialogue. In 2018 NSWaS was among the leading organisations to protest the wave of discriminatory legislation in Israel: Participated in national protests against the nation-state bill declaring Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, ignoring the legitimacy of over 20% of the non-Jewish population Joined shared society organisations for Mega Arabic Lessons to protest against the legislation eliminating Arabic as one of the nations official languages Helped organise the coalition of 30 Jewish and Palestinian organisations protesting at Rabin Square, against violence against women and supporting women’s rights and equality