Help the Village Continue to Fight for Peace resources

A message from the Village: We are mourning the thousands of dead on both sides and praying for the safety of the hostages. In the meantime, we are working together to heal our own wounds and those of our children and our friends, we are working together to increase the safety of our village, rethinking our activities and recommitting ourselves to showing the way toward peace and respect for all human life. Read more

Introducing the people of Neve Shalom-Wahat al-Salam

Here we will bring you a series of profiles of the residents of the village. They will share their stories, their experiences, and their hopes and dreams for a peaceful future between Israeli Jews and Arab Palestinians. Read more

Children's Education System

Bilingual, bicultural schooling within NSWaS. Read more

School for Peace and Conflict Transformation

The School for Peace (SfP) assimilates the principles upon which WaSNS was founded in conducting courses and seminars for Arab and Jewish youth and adults in Israel and the Palestinian Autonomy. Read more


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Volunteering opportunities

Check back here for regular updates on the opportunities to volunteer with us. Read more

Fundraising ideas

Within your own area you can organise an event, such as a concert, to the scale that you feel you can successfully manage. We can send you information packs to support anything you wish to do. Read more

Why volunteer

There are many different ways to help support the Oasis of Peace UK. Read more


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What we do

Oasis of Peace UK supports the Educational Institutions of NSWaS - a unique intentional community of Jewish and Palestinian-Arab Israeli citizens, located midway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Read more

Meet the team

New starters and familiar faces; we can't wait to introduce them to you! Read more


In 1972 Father Bruno Hussar's dream of a place for the co-citizens of Israel to exist in harmony became a reality when the first couple came to join him on a barren and waterless hillside. Read more

Leave a legacy

Putting our charity into your Will is a way of ensuring that Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam's work continues into the years ahead. Read more

Why visit

Visiting Neve Shalom ~ Wahat al-Salam highlights just how anchored the region is in the complex reality of the Israel - Palestine conflict and its effect upon relations between its own Jewish and Palestinian citizens. Read more

Research and reports

Our most up to date documentation to keep you informed of our latest activities, both in Israel and the UK. Read more

Pluralistic Spiritual Centre (PSC)

The Pluralistic Spiritual Centre, provides a framework for spiritual reflection on issues at the core of the middle east conflict and the search for its resolution. Read more

Ethics and values

The ethical background of the community was to create a place of peaceful co-existence between Palestinian and Jewish Israelis of the three Abrahamic faiths. Read more

Visit us

Visiting NSWaS highlights just how anchored the region is in the complex reality of the Israel - Palestine conflict and its effect upon relations between its own Jewish and Palestinian citizens. Read more